We cordially invite you to a virtual island tour on Helgoland: First select the island section on the interactive island map and then visit the individual sights on the main island and the Helgoland dune. Fancy seeing even more? Then we look forward to your visit!
Especially if you arrive by plane, you can get a first impression of your arrival on Helgoland by clicking on “Düne-Mitte”. After landing on the island in a glider and being greeted by flocks of seagulls, you can also take a look at the entire dune with a short detour to Jonny’s Hill right next to the airfield. Try it on our interactive map with 360-degree view! As you can see, the campground and north beach are not far away. For a later walk in the dunes you have now already got the orientation.
Are you arriving by ferry? You can see what that looks like by clicking on the south harbor on the main island. You can also take a little tour of the pier in the virtual Helgoland map. On the digital way to the midland you will also pass the colorful lobster stalls.
If you are visiting Helgoland for the first time, you should definitely take a guided tour of the bunker. Of course, we don’t want to illuminate every nook and cranny of the old tunnels in advance, but you’ll still get a little insight into the bunker, into which visitors first descend 90 steps. You can also visit the museum, the lighthouse or the miniature golf course on your virtual walk. Click on the Jägerstieg on the north beach and get an impression of what awaits you on the ascent to the Oberland.
On the Oberland part of the map, you can also enjoy a sweeping view of the open sea and many a sight in front of the screen. Especially the Lange Anna and the Lummenfelsen, two of the most significant island highlights on Helgoland. Besides a video clip of Helgoland’s western cliffs and a flock of seabirds, you’ll discover more here and there. For example, the one or other sheep grazing at the roadside. Just take a look around – there is a lot to discover! Especially, of course, during a real visit to Helgoland. We are looking forward to seeing you.